NesCom Submitter Guidance

New Standards Committee (NesCom) PAR Submitter Guidance

The first step in beginning a standards development project in IEEE SA (whether individual- or entity-based) is the submission of a Project Authorization Request (PAR) within the myProject system. A PAR is a concise, structured document that provides the scope (the technical details of what the standard will cover), the purpose (what the standard intends to do), and the need (the problem that the standard resolves).

Every PAR that is submitted must have a Standards Committee to oversee the project. A standards development project cannot start until the PAR is approved by the IEEE SA Standards Board (SASB). The New Standards Committee (NesCom) is a standing committee of the SASB that reviews the PAR submissions using NesCom conventions and guidelines and then makes recommendations to the SASB.

Learn More About the Process and Standards Development

All PARs, including requests for a modification, extension, or withdrawal, must be submitted using myProject. Below are some resources to assist you with the process of submitting a PAR.


After a PAR is submitted in myProject, it will tentatively be placed on the next NesCom agenda. The PAR must be accepted by the Standards Committee Chair or Standards Representative before the NesCom meeting. In the case of co-Standards Committees, the primary Standards Committee must accept the PAR.

In addition, after the PAR is submitted only the NesCom Administrator may edit the PAR. Please contact your Program Manager or the NesCom Administrator for assistance.

View Step-by-Step Instructions on How the Chair Needs To Accept or Reject A PAR

Approximately one month prior to a NesCom meeting, NesCom Members start their review of the PARs and submit comments within myProject. The PAR Submitter, Working Group Chair, and Standards Committee Chair receive automatic notification of the comments based on their Profile Preferences in myProject.

The PAR submitter, Working Group Chair, or Standards Committee Chair should respond to the comments within myProject in a timely manner. To respond to a comment, log into myProject and select the appropriate PAR to answer the comment.

If a change to the PAR is suggested, then either indicate acceptance or rejection of the change or offer other suggested edits. Then ask the NesCom Administrator to make the updates within the commenting area of myProject. Other times the comments are seeking clarification of wording. If so, then respond with further details to clarify.

The comment review period closes 48 hours prior to the NesCom Meeting. At the NesCom meeting, the PARs will be reviewed and recommended to the SASB for approval, deferral, or disapproval. The SASB will review NesCom’s recommendations and make a final decision. The Standards Committee Chair will receive an email notification of SASB’s decision after the meeting.

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