Board Of Governors Resolutions
August 2023
- Resolved that the text proposed for IEEE SA Standards Board Operations Manual subclause 6.3.6, as recommended for approval by the IEEE SA Standards Board, shall be implemented on 16 August 2023. The BOG acknowledges that the text proposed for IEEE SA Standards Board Operations manual subclause 6.3.6 is consistent with the BOG resolution of 27 September 2022 regarding Prohibitive Orders and that upon implementation of the text in the IEEE SA Standards Board Operations Manual, the BOG resolution of 27 September 2022 shall be considered as superseded.
May 2023
- The BOG approved that the IEEE SA contribute $50K per year for the next five years (2023-2027) to the IEEE MOVE program. The contribution should be allocated as 50% to U.S. MOVE and 50% to MOVE International.
- The BOG approved the setting up and running of a virtual candidate forum to be scheduled and conducted in accordance with IEEE election policies. A recording of such forum shall be made available on the IEEE SA web site for the entirety of the election period.
December 2022
- The IEEE SA BOG approved the consolidation of the IEEE SA PSI and SMBD SMDC groups into a single SMDC with an initial working title of “Global IEEE SA Products, Services, and Marketing (GPSM) SMDC” along with the chair of the new SMDC as proposed by the incoming IEEE SA President.
- The IEEE SA BOG approved donating $25,000 to the International MOVE Fund held by the IEEE Foundation during fiscal year 2022.
September 2022
- The BOG approved updates to the IEEE Public Policy Statement Ethical Considerations of Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AIS).
May 2022
- The IEEE SA BOG approved the special use of funds in 2022 in accordance with the IEEE FOM, with the funds coming from the IEEE SA 2021 budget surplus, for a $4.5 Million contribution to the X-Prize Foundation to support the X-Prize IEEE Energizing The Future prize package.
- The BOG also approved an additional amount of up to $175,000 to be spent to support related IEEE X-Prize sustainability activities within IEEE, including a student competition.
- The BOG approved the above IEEE SA Individual Membership pricing principles (orange).
February 2022
- The BOG approved the formation of a new Standards Market and Business Development (SMBD) SMDC. This SMDC will focus on strategic marketing and new opportunities/innovation, collaborate with CAG (responsible for entity related innovation), collaborate with SA Open (responsible for Open Source S/W and H/W), collaborate with the MIBA SMDC, incorporate the marketing (PAM) functions, be closely tied with Global Business Strategy and Intelligence (GBSI) functions, and the Practices Ad Hoc will be moved to report to this SMDC.
- The BOG approved the sunsetting of the MPPS SMDC. The MPPS Marketing functions are assigned to the new Standards Market and Business Development SMDC. The public affairs and public policy functions are assigned to a new ad hoc reporting to the SPCC.
- The name of the CAG will become the IEEE SA Entity Collaborative Activities Governance Board (CAG).
- The size of the CAG membership will increase from four (4) elected Members at Large to eight (8).
- The BOG approved that the Professional Staff, in consultation with SPCC, proceed with the process for the update and renewal of the following IEEE public policy statements and communications, with recommendations for approval to be brought to the BOG.
- IEEE SA Position Statement Intelligent Spectrum Allocation and Management
- IEEE SA Statement of Intention: Our Role in Addressing Ethical Considerations of Autonomous and Intelligent Systems (AIS)
- IEEE SA Board of Governors Resolution Endorsing the Work of The IEEE Global Initiative on Ethics of Autonomous and Intelligent Systems (The Global Initiative)
- IEEE Public Policy Statement on Ethical Aspects of IEEE
December 2021
- The BOG agreed to sunset the Platform Infrastructure Optimization (PIO) SMDC.
- The BOG agreed to sunset the IEEE SA Budget Committee and merge it into the Financial Sustainability (FinSus) SMDC (to be renamed as the Strategic Finance SMDC).
- The BOG agreed to sunset the Industry Engagement and Sector Strategies (IESS) SMDC and integrate its responsibilities into the Corporate Advisory Group (CAG). An Ad Hoc will determine the final proposal for BOG approval of the IEEE SA industry engagement structure.
- The BOG directs IEEE SA governance participants to make use of the tools provided by either the document classification coversheet proposal or the document classification template proposal when authoring any documents for consideration by any IEEE SA governance group in 2022.
- The BOG defined a potential AVL (from the IEEE SA perspective) as all BOG/SASB/CAG members and any others who have signed a staff-approved NDA.
- The BOG accepted the transition of SCC04, SCC14, SCC20, SCC21, SCC31, and SCC39 as Standards Committees under the Standards and Standards Innovations (S&SI) SMDC.
September 2021
- The BOG approved the IEEE SA Public Policy Communication: IEEE SA Universal Policy Communication on the Market Driven Standards Paradigm.
July 2021
- The BOG approved updates to the IEEE Standards Association Operations Manual to have the CAG report directly to the BOG.
- The BOG approved going forth with the development of a universal policy communique that promotes the value and importance of the globally inclusive, market-driven standards approach, and that the Marketing and Public Policy Strategies SMDC oversee its development.
- The BOG approved the following fee schedule for 2021-2022:
- IEEE SA Individual Membership: $58 Member; $23 Student [40% of base dues rounded to the nearest dollar]
- IEEE SA Developing Nations: $29 Member; $9 Student [40% of Student base dues rounded to the nearest dollar]
- IEEE SA Low Income Economies: $11.50 Member; $6 Student [25% of Student base dues rounded to the nearest dollar]
May 2021
- The BOG has concluded that in regards to the IEEE SA patent policy, individuals are usually not conflicted because everyone has an interest in the patent policy. People who have spoken in support of, people who have spoken against, and people who have spoken to the press about the IEEE SA patent policy would not generally be considered conflicted in regards to being PatCom attendees.
- The BOG approved the following IEEE public policy statements for renewal with no substantive changes and shall put them forth to the IEEE Board of Directors Global Public Policy Committee for recording as a statement of renewal:
- Universal Access to the Internet
- The Role of Community Networks in Advancing Universal Access to the Internet
- The Role of Public Internet Connectivity in Advancing Universal Access to the Internet
- In Support of Privacy Engineering
- The Role of the Technical Community in Internet Policy
December 2020
- The BOG approved covering the disposition of GlobalSpec expenses out of IEEE SA reserves instead of out of WG/Committee reserves.
- The BOG approved the ElectorGroupId and the AcpcTreeId registries in conjunction with the publication of P1609.2.1 and with pricing information to follow.
- In recognition of the unique nature of the National Electrical Safety Code (NESC), the BOG approved administrative oversight of the NESC Committee under the Standards & Standards Innovations Strategic Management and Delivery Committee (S&SI SMDC) as a standing committee, grandfathering the committee’s accredited policies & procedures, contingent on acceptance by the NESC Main Committee.
August 2020
- The BOG approved that the Industry Engagement & Sector Strategies (IE&SS) SMDC shall have oversight responsibility for the IEEE SA Industry Connections Committee (ICCom). The IE&SS SMDC shall be responsible for reviewing/approving ICCom recommendations and for providing updates to the BOG.
- The BOG approved the IEEE Public Policy Position Statement IEEE’s Adherence to the World Trade Organization’s Principles of Standardization for renewal with no changes and that it be put forth to the IEEE Board of Directors Global Public Policy Committee for recording as a statement of renewal.
- The BOG approved the IEEE Public Policy Position Statement IEEE Standards Development Principles with editorial changes and that it be put forth to the IEEE Board of Directors Global Public Policy Committee for recording as a statement of renewal.
May 2020
- The BOG approved the SESCom Operations Manual, established SESCom as a Committee of the BOG, and assigned operational oversight of SESCom to the Standards and Standards Innovations SMDC.
05 May 2020
- The BOG Ad Hoc Council extended the deadline for the termination of the IEEE SA External Representatives (ERs) to NFPA until 31 August 2020 [from 30 June 2020].
April 2020
- The BOG terminates the appointments of External Representatives to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), effective 30 June 2020.
- The BOG directs IEEE SA staff to provide assistance to any technical community in IEEE that would like to create a relationship between that technical community and the NFPA.
November 2019
- The BOG adopted the IEEE Standards Association Board of Governors Strategic Management and Delivery Committee Operations Manual as an IEEE SA Governance Document.
- The BOG:
- Endorsed the OSCom Operations Manual v6 dated 10-OCT-2019, which shall also be known as the IEEE SA Board of Governors Open Source Operations Manual;
- Assigned the OSCom ad hoc to the Market Incubation and Business Acceleration Strategic Management and Delivery Committee (SMDC);
- Assigned oversight of the day-to-day operation and governance of the IEEE Open Source platform to the OSCom ad hoc;
- Authorized OSCom to provide guidance, oversight, and life-cycle management support for IEEE Open Source Projects, including IEEE Open Source Projects incorporated into IEEE standards, and to operate as set forth in the IEEE SA Board of Governors Open Source Operations Manual.
- The BOG approved sending a letter to SCC18 candidate External Representatives (ERs) requiring that each candidate (i) acknowledges the duties and obligations of being an ER, (ii) completes and submits their acknowledgement by 16 December 2019, and (iii) be informed that the BOG requires submission of acknowledgement before the BOG will consider a candidate for the role of ER.
- The BOG supports that the BOG TZ NesComs Ad Hoc start developing a tutorial to deliver during SASB meeting series and that the Ad Hoc continues to recruit new candidates.
- The BOG endorsed the following diversity statement: IEEE’s mission to foster technological innovation and excellence to benefit humanity requires the talents and perspectives of people with different personal, cultural, and disciplinary backgrounds. IEEE is committed to advancing diversity in the technical profession, and to promoting an inclusive and equitable culture that welcomes, engages, and rewards all who contribute to the field, without regard to race, religion, gender, disability, age, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression.
May 2019
- A BOG Committee (OSCom) was established to govern Open Source for the IEEE SA.
- The BOG approved the locations for its 2020 meetings (Osaka and Toronto) and recommended locations to the SASB (New Delhi, Berlin) and the CAG (Grenoble, Seoul).
- The date of the BOG 2020 Osaka meeting was set to 31 January and 01 February.
March 2019
- The BOG approved the draft IEEE Public Policy Position Statement, In Support of Ethical Aspects of Autonomous and Intelligent Systems, and recommended that it be submitted to the IEEE Board of Directors Global Public Policy Committee.
- The BOG approved Policies Accepting Global, Market-driven Standards Should be Embraced in International Trade Discussions and Regulatory Environments as an IEEE SA OU Public Policy Position Statement.
December 2018
- The BOG approved the Public Policy Position Statement Policies Accepting Global, Market-Driven Standards Should be Embraced in International Trade Discussions and Regulatory Environments as an IEEE Standards Association Operating Unit (OU) position statement, and endorsed it for consideration as an IEEE Public Policy Position Statement.
- The BOG approved a resolution:
- Whereas the IEEE Global Initiative on Ethics of Autonomous and Intelligent Systems is an authorized activity within the IEEE Standards Association Industry Connections program created with the stated mission:
- To ensure every stakeholder involved in the design and development of autonomous and intelligent systems is educated, trained, and empowered to prioritize ethical considerations so that these technologies are advanced for the benefit of humanity;
- Whereas versions 1 and 2 of Ethically Aligned Design: A Vision for Prioritizing Human Well-being with Autonomous and Intelligent Systems (A/IS) were developed as calls for comment and candidate recommendations by several hundred professionals including engineers, scientists, ethicists, sociologists, economists, and many others from six continents;
- Whereas the recommendations contained in Ethically Aligned Design: A Vision for Prioritizing Human Well-being with Autonomous and Intelligent Systems (A/IS), First Edition are the result of the consideration of hundreds of comments submitted by professionals and the public at large on versions 1 and 2;
- Whereas through an extensive, global, and open collaborative process, more than a thousand experts of the Global Initiative have developed and are in the process of final editing and publishing Ethically Aligned Design: A Vision for Prioritizing Human Well-being with Autonomous and Intelligent Systems (A/IS), First Edition; now, therefore, be it
- Resolved, that the IEEE Standards Association Board of Governors:
- expresses its appreciation to the leadership and members of the IEEE Global Initiative on Ethics of Autonomous and Intelligent Systems for the creation of Ethically Aligned Design: A Vision for Prioritizing Human Well-being with Autonomous and Intelligent Systems (A/IS), First Edition; and
- supports and commends the collaborative process used by The IEEE Global Initiative to achieve extraordinary consensus in such complex and vast matters in less than 3 years; and
- endorses and offers Ethically Aligned Design: A Vision for Prioritizing Human Well-being with Autonomous and Intelligent Systems (A/IS), First Edition to businesses, governments and the public at large for consideration and guidance in the ethical development of autonomous and intelligent systems.
- The BOG conditionally approves establishment of a standards development organization identifier (sdoId) registry to be administered by the IEEE Registration Authority. The registry is to become available on approval of the P1588 revision (the standard defining the registry). Registry assignments to qualified standards development organizations will be without fee.
September 2018
The BOG approved Intelligent Spectrum Allocation and Management as an IEEE SA position statement.
May 2018
IEEE members are committed to the highest standards of integrity, responsible behavior, and ethical and professional conduct. The IEEE Standards Association reaffirms its commitment to an environment free of discrimination and harassment as stated in the IEEE Code of Conduct, IEEE Code of Ethics, and IEEE Nondiscrimination Policy. In particular, as stated in the IEEE Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct, members of the Standards Association will not engage in harassment of any kind, including sexual harassment, bullying behavior, or discrimination.
March 2018
The BOG approved the IEEE SA Statement of Intention: Our Role in Addressing Ethical Considerations of Autonomous and Intelligent Systems (A/IS).
December 2017
The BOG approved a revision to the IEEE Adherence to the WTO for International Standardization policy position statement.
The BOG approved the Role of Technical Standards in the Curriculum of Academic Programs in Engineering, Technology, and Computing policy position statement.
The BOG acknowledges that oversight of the IEEE P1838 working group is no longer required and thanks the IEEE SA Standards Board for its effective work in this area.
The BOG empowers the SASB to plan to provide oversight of open source activities relative to standards for the following use cases:
- Informative Piece of Standard
- Normative Piece of Standard
The BOG confirms its intent to offer a platform and guidance for Open Source projects within the IEEE SA for use by the entire IEEE, and empowers the CAG to develop further recommendations on how to implement such a platform and to provide oversight for incorporation of the following use cases:
- Test & Tools Framework (e.g., automated test suite)
- [Reference] Example Implementation
- Non-SA IEEE Open Source Projects
- Non-IEEE Open Source Projects [that may or may not be submitted into an IEEE SA activity]
- Open Source Development where Code is the IEEE SA work product other than a Standard, e.g., Industry Connections, ISTO, etc.
The BOG endorsed the signing of the IOT Magazine MOU.
December 2016
The BOG approved the proposed IEEE Policy Position Statement IEEE Adherence to the World Trade Organization Principles for International Standardization and to move it forth, per the IEEE Global Public Policy Committee process, for IEEE Board of Directors approval as an IEEE Policy Position Statement.
The BOG recommended that IEEE Standards Association pursue accreditation by the Standards Council of Canada for a three-year period (2017-2020).
IEEE SA BOG requests close cooperation with MGA on development of any proposal for IEEE Corporate Membership.
August 2016
The BOG recommended approval of the draft IEEE position statement – IEEE Principles for Standards Development.
The BOG approved signing an MOU that enables the IEEE SA to participate as a core member of the IEEE IOT Multi-Society Technical Group.
May 2016
The IEEE Standards Association (IEEE SA) Board of Governors (BOG) directs the IEEE SA Standards Board (SASB) to provide, in cooperation with the IEEE Computer Society Standards Activities Board (C/SAB), oversight of the IEEE P1838 Working Group. Progress on this oversight is to be provided, when available, by the SASB Chair to the BOG.
The BOG endorsed the proposed IEEE SA Public Policy Statement and instructed staff to submit the Statement to the IEEE Global Public Policy Committee by 1 June 2016.
The BOG authorized the IEEE SA to sign the Joint Initiative on Standardisation (JIS) provided that such JIS is substantially similar to the draft presented to the BOG on 19 May 2016.
The BOG approved that IEEE cease its membership in the U.S. National Committee of the IEC.
February 2016
The BOG approved the Vision/Mission/Goal of the IEEE Standards Association as follows:
Vision: Be a world-class Standards Development Organization
Mission: Provide a high quality, market relevant standardization environment, respected world-wide
Goal: Provide a globally open, inclusive, and transparent environment for market relevant, voluntary consensus standardization, supported by:
- Global Presence
- Financial Sustainability
- Being a Learning Community
The BOG approved the continuance of the IEEE SA reduced individual membership dues for developing nations, consistent with IEEE practice.
August 2015
Members (voting and non-voting) of Industry Connections activities (entity-based or individual-based) are not required to be IEEE SA members.
May 2015
The IEEE Standards Association endorses the IEEE Signature Event and recognizes the important work of the IEEE Awards Board. The IEEE SA looks forward to providing continuing support to the IEEE Awards Board.
February 2015
The BOG approved the suspension of the corporate membership requirement for two Industry Connections activities (IC12-003 Intercloud Testbed and IC13-004 Ethernet & IP @ Automotive Technology Day) through calendar year 2015.
December 2014
WHEREAS, the IEEE Standards Association Standards Board (“Standards Board”), acting through its Patent Committee and an ad hoc committee of the Patent Committee, reviewed the IEEE Standards Association patent policy in light of current litigation, regulatory concerns, and stakeholder input; and
WHEREAS, the Patent Committee and its ad hoc conducted a thorough process of preparing drafts of a proposed patent policy update; releasing drafts for public review and comment; receiving and considering comments on drafts; and revising drafts of the proposed patent policy update in light of comments received; and
WHEREAS, the Standards Board acknowledged the report of the Patent Committee with respect to the modification of Section 6 of the Standards Board Bylaws (in the form attached hereto as Exhibit 1 and hereinafter referred to as “Draft 39”); and
WHEREAS, after conducting its own two-month review and receiving additional public input on Draft 39, the Standards Board, by more than a two-thirds majority, approved the modifications to Section 6 of the Standards Board Bylaws as set forth in Draft 39 and recommended that the IEEE Standards Association Board of Governors ( “Board of Governors”) approve Draft 39, with such modifications as the Board of Governors deemed necessary, advisable, and/or appropriate, and subject to the receipt of a favorable Business Review Letter from the United States Department of Justice (“SASB Resolution”); and
WHEREAS, IEEE has requested a Business Review Letter from the U.S. Department of Justice as contemplated by the SASB Resolution;
WHEREAS, that in a resolution adopted on November 23, 2014 (“BOD Resolution”), the Board of Directors of IEEE has directed that “prior to any action being implemented by the IEEE Standards Association with regard to patent policy, it shall be referred to the IEEE Board of Directors for approval.”
It is therefore,
RESOLVED, that the Board of Governors hereby acknowledges and accepts the report and recommendation of the Standards Board; and it is
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board of Governors hereby approves the modifications to Section 6 of the Standards Board Bylaws as set forth in Draft 39, subject to receipt of a favorable Business Review Letter, as determined by the IEEE Legal and Compliance Department, from the U.S. Department of Justice; and it is
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Secretary of the Board of Governors is authorized and instructed to transmit this resolution and attachments to the Secretary of the IEEE Board of Directors, consistent with the BOD Resolution; and it is
FURTHER RESOLVED, that if the favorable Business Review Letter shall have been received, and if the IEEE Board of Directors shall have approved the policy, the modification of Section 6 of the Standards Board Bylaws as approved herein shall become effective at 12:01 a.m. Eastern Time on March 15, 2015, or at such earlier or later time as the IEEE Board of Directors shall provide.
The BOG approved the position statement Policies Accepting Global, Market-Driven Standards Should be Embraced in TTIP Trade Discussion, subject to IEEE legal review and modifications deemed necessary by IEEE legal counsel.
May 2014
The BOG approved a motion to join the Global Standards Collaboration (GSC) as a full member.
December 2013
Resolved that the IEEE SA Board of Governors shall, and hereby is, recommending submission of an amicus brief by IEEE in “Ericsson v D-Link, et al.”; and it is
Further resolved that the IEEE SA Managing Director shall work with the IEEE General Counsel to forward such recommendation to the IEEE Executive Director for consideration by the IEEE Board of Directors.
December 2012
The BOG recommended that the IEEE file an amicus brief that describes the standards development process and the role that letters of assurance play in that process in Apple Inc. v. Motorola Inc.
The BOG voted to continue the developing nations discount for individual IEEE SA dues for two more years (2014 — 2015).
Considering the SA OpMan ER policy indicates that appointment is for no less than 1 year:
- BOG approval of ERs, where the OBC does not indicate a term, shall be for 2 years.
Considering that the SA OpMan mentions “liaison” in its definition of ER policy, the SASB OpMan specifically defines the policy for an “IEC Category D liaison”, and the IEEE SA website lists many existing formal liaisons:
- The BOG requests that ProCom define a “liaison” policy in the rules.
August 2012
The BOG endorsed the Modern Global Standards Paradigm.
June 2012
In reference to the European Commission?s Proposal on European Standardisation, COM(2011) 315 final, dated 1 June 2011,
The IEEE Standards Association supports and advocates for those aspects (e.g., Chapter IV and Annex II) of this proposal that allow for the direct referencing of ICT standards for public procurement and public policy, where the standards comply with a set of criteria based on the WTO principles for international standardization processes.
The BOG approved a statement on the World Conference on Telecommunications (WCIT) that expresses concern with proposed modifications that would change ITU-T Recommendations from voluntary to mandatory.
March 2012
The BOG approved a CPI-based increase of 3.15% for the RAC products, rounded to the nearest $5.
The BOG approved the following Industry Connections activity initiations:
- Standardization and Innovation in IT (SIIT) Conference
- IEEE 802.11 Patent Pool Exploratory Forum
- Power Matters Alliance (PMA)
- Intercloud Testbed
Judith L. Gorman will retire from the IEEE on 2 April 2012. A resolution honoring her service was approved.
- WHEREAS, Judith L. Gorman has served the IEEE faithfully for twenty-eight years, and
- WHEREAS, Judith L. Gorman led the creation of the IEEE Standards Association in its current structure during the late 1990s, and
- WHEREAS Judith L. Gorman provided the leadership necessary the past fourteen years for the development of the IEEE Standards Association to become a world-class standards organization, and
- WHEREAS, under Judith L. Gorman, the IEEE Standards Association has become an integral partner of industry, government, and the global standards community ensuring the transitioning of technology to the marketplace through the judicious use of standards, and
- WHEREAS, under the guidance of Judith L. Gorman, the IEEE Standards Association expanded its support to industry through the establishment and integration of individual and corporate standards development programs to ensure responsiveness to industry requirements, and
- WHEREAS, Judith L. Gorman spearheaded the creation of the IEEE Industry Standards and Technology Organization (IEEE-ISTO), allowing the IEEE to lend its brand to areas beyond traditional standards development, and
- WHEREAS, Judith L. Gorman has been instrumental in establishing a multi-year business strategy enabling the IEEE Standards Association to support evolving stakeholder requirements and ensure the IEEE Standards Association’s long term financial viability, and
- WHEREAS, Judith L. Gorman has been a global ambassador for the IEEE SA over the past decade, and
- WHEREAS, Judith L. Gorman has steered the IEEE Standards Association into new technology areas, including Smart Grid, green IT, virtual environments, and network science, and
- WHEREAS, Judith L. Gorman has overseen the expansion of global Standards Education through expanded university outreach, a standards education e-Zine, and an expanded web support, and
- WHEREAS, Judith L. Gorman has been instrumental in developing global Public Awareness and Visibility programs, ensuring the recognition of both the IEEE Standards Association and IEEE from the perspective of the engineering community, as well as by the policy and decision makers within industry, government, and academia, and
- WHEREAS, Judith L. Gorman has demonstrated her ability to create an organization that addresses both external and internal requirements for effective standards creation, while ensuring that IEEE Standards Association remains synergistic with IEEE’s broader operations, and
- WHEREAS, Judith L. Gorman is devoted to the IEEE and to the IEEE Standards Association, and her devotion is demonstrated in the many activities she has spearheaded or supported in her years as an IEEE staff member, and
- WHEREAS, over the course of Judith L. Gorman’s unparalleled tenure of service, initiative, and stewardship, she garnered the respect, admiration, and friendship of staff, volunteers, and external community leaders;
- THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that on the occasion of her retirement, the IEEE Standards Association Board of Governors expresses its utmost gratitude to Judith L. Gorman, pays tribute to her many exceptional years of service, and extends its sincere best wishes to her for many years to come.
December 2011
The BOG approved the establishment of the IEEE as the financial and technical sponsor of the Standardization and Innovation in Information Technology (SIIT) Conference and assigns the incubation of this conference to the Industry Connections Program with reports to the BOG.
The BOG approved the white paper “IEEE Adheres to the WTO Principles for International Standardization”.
The BOG approved the “Future Directions for Nanonetworking” Industry Connections activity initiation, with Alex Gelman and Jim Wendorf as advisors.
The External Representative (ER) policy [section 7.1 of the SA OpMan] does not apply to ISO, IEC, and ITU liaisons. It applies to any ER positions already designated, except as excluded above. The BOG requests that ProCom review how the ER policy can be re-written in the rules and make a recommendation on a longer term ER policy.
August 2011
The BOG approved having IEEE SA reduced individual membership dues for developing nations:
- IEEE members and IEEE society affiliates: (cost of service recovery price point)
- For 2012 – $26
- IEEE SA only individual member: (Slightly more than developing nations IEEE membership + SA membership)
- For 2012 – $99
June 2011
Dennis Brophy is appointed as the CAG Chair for 2012-2013.
2012 RAC pricing will be increased across the board using the 2010 CPI factor used for SA membership rounded up to the nearest $5.
December 2010
Entity membership was approved with the requirement for entity WGs to use the IEEE email reflectors by no later than 31 December 2011.
Smart Grid funding in the approximate amount of 1.7M for 2011 was approved.
A motion was approved that the BOG directs the SASB to implement a policy that ensures the participation database (when successfully implemented as determined by the SASB) is used by all working groups.
A motion was approved that the BOG appoints the international ad hoc as coordinator of all IEEE SA engagements with China on issues involving interaction with ISO and IEC.
A motion was approved that David Law and Jim Wendorf will be the mentors for ‘Ethernet Wireline Bandwidth Needs’ ICAID.
May 2010
A motion was unanimously approved to change the nomination period for all awards other than the Standards Medallion and Working Group Chair Awards, to be 1 March – 31 August of each calendar year.
The revised International Strategy was unanimously approved.
A motion was unanimously approved to make the document management tool known as Mentor available for use by any SA participant for SA business at no charge.