2021 IEEE SA Awards Ceremony
The IEEE SA recognizes outstanding standards development participation through various award categories. To view past recipients or to nominate an individual for award consideration, please select an award category, below.
Welcoming Remarks
James E. Matthews, President, IEEE Standards Association
Mark Epstein, Chair, IEEE SA Awards & Recognition Committee
IEEE SA Standards Medallion Recipients
Bob Aiello
Edward Au
Matthew J. Butcher
Geoffrey Garner
S. Michael Gayle
Marc Holness
Peter Zollman
The Ron Waxman Design Automation Standards Committee Meritorious Service Award Recipient
Riccardo Mariani
IEEE SA Managing Director's Special Recognition Award Introduction
Konstantinos Karachalios, Managing Director, IEEE Standards Association
IEEE SA Managing Director's Special Recognition Award Recipients
Ali Hessami
Beeban Kidron
Katina Michael
Alan Winfield
IEEE SA Conformity Assessment Award Recipient
IEEE NPEC Conformity Assessment Steering Committee
IEEE SA International Award Recipient
Jingxuan (Joanne) Hu
IEEE SA Emerging Technology Award Recipients
IEEE P2675™ Working Group
IEEE P7007™ Working Group
IEEE SA Standards Board Distinguished Service Award Recipient
Ted A. Burse
IEEE SA Lifetime Achievement Award Recipients
Curtis Ashton
Ben C. Johnson
IEEE Charles Proteus Steinmetz Award Recipient
Haran Karmaker
IEEE Standards 2020 Awards Ceremony
The impact of global lockdowns and travel restrictions imposed by COVID-19 has made the IEEE SA Awards Ceremony an all-virtual event. Please access the full ceremony or specific awards using the links below. Thank you for virtually participating in the 2020 IEEE SA Awards Ceremony!