Information about the balloting system within myProject, which is the web-based system that provides access to IEEE standards balloting tools and information as well as the rules associated with forming an IEEE SA balloting group.
An IEEE Account is required to access myProject. IEEE Accounts are free and provide access to a variety of IEEE online services. You can create an account and retrieve your login information on the IEEE website.
No. Access to the balloting system is only available through the myProject system.
Yes, myProject has several email notification options including reminders. The myProject system will automatically send reminder emails to those in the ballot group who have not yet voted – 14, 7, and 3 days prior to ballot closing (excluding recirculations and all ballots less than 14 days).
A project is ready for the SA Ballot process when the working group (or technical committee) completes draft standard development. The working group needs to check the working group and standards committee policies and procedures to ensure that the necessary approvals are obtained.
When the WG is ready to initiate the IEEE SA ballot invitation to form the ballot group, the WG starts the ballot invitation process within myProject. The designated IEEE Program Manager reviews and approves the SA Ballot invitation request. Once approved, the invitation period opens and ballot group formation begins. Additional instructions on preparing for the IEEE SA ballot process is also available.
An SA Ballot invitation is the process by which SA Balloting groups are formed within myProject. Through this process, an announcement (ballot invitation) of the formation of a ballot group is sent to individuals who signed up for “Interest Areas” associated with the subject matter of the forthcoming SA ballot.
The typical and recommended invitation period is 30 days to allow all interested parties an opportunity to join the SA Ballot group. However, this is at the discretion of the working group and/or Standards Committee. IEEE policy states that an invitation shall remain open for a minimum of 15 days (see IEEE SA Standards Board Operations Manual 5.4.2). Note: the Mandatory Editorial Coordination (MEC) process may be conducted in parallel with the ballot group formation (which typically takes 30 days as well). The IEEE SA ballot shall begin within 6 months of the ballot invitation close, or the ballot group shall be reformed.
The IEEE SA Staff can assist you in conducting SA ballots for your draft documents, and help you form the ballot group through the use of the invitation process.
The IEEE SA Staff reviews the draft standard during the Mandatory Editorial Coordination (MEC) process as well as invitation and ballot requests submitted through the myProject system before the ballot is approved to help ensure accuracy and completeness. The MEC report details the editorial requirements prior to the initiation of the SA Ballot, including all required copyright permissions.
For an initial ballot, the following items are needed:
- The draft in PDF format (with no visible markup) is needed. The inclusion of line numbers in the PDF is preferred
- Approval from the Standards Committee is required as defined in the Policies and Procedures prior to the start of the ballot in myProject
- Ensure all section 1 items of the MEC have been addressed
- The ballot group is balanced (see IEEE SA Standards Board Operations Manual 5.4.1)
SA Ballot group members have an obligation to respond during the open ballot period. A minimum of 75% of the balloters are required to provide a vote to meet the response rate criteria for a ballot. During the balloting period, the myProject system automatically sends reminder emails to those who have not yet voted 14, 7, and 3 days prior to the ballot closing. The Working Group Chair can also send a separate notification to the ballot group via myProject as needed.
If the response rate of 75% is not achieved, the ballot can be extended to provide additional time for additional votes to be submitted. This extension for receipt of a 75% return shall not be longer than 60 days. Additional details on how to extend the ballot is available for review. If the ballot is extended, once the response rate of 75% is achieved, the ballot closes on the date that the necessary response rate is achieved.