Learn about using the IEEE Standards Association’s entity membership and time-tested, equitable entity standards-development process to develop industry-relevant standards.
IEEE SA members are the driving force behind the development of standards, providing technical expertise and innovation, global participation, and dedication to ongoing advancement and promotion of new concepts.
IEEE SA entity membership enables entities to create industry standards in IEEE using one-entity, one-vote principles through their designated representative. Entity membership also connects entities with IEEE’s network of industry experts from a wide range of technical areas.
As defined in IEEE SA Standards Board Bylaws, clause, IEEE SA entity membership is open to corporations, government agencies, trade associations, user groups, academic institutions, nonprofit and industry associations, and other entities.
Entities that want to actively participate in standards development (for example, participation in a standards working group, an IEEE SA entity-based Industry Connections program, or an IEEE SA standards balloting group) must be IEEE SA entity members.
To obtain IEEE SA entity membership, complete the IEEE SA Entity Membership Application.
In the entity method, standards are developed by IEEE SA entity member representative participants who have been appointed by an entity to represent that entity and act on its behalf in the working group. Such representatives may participate in IEEE standards development activities and take action based upon instruction from the entity that appointed them.
Every entity participating in an IEEE SA entity standards working group is required to be an entity member of IEEE SA to become a working group member or hold voting privileges. Entity non-members may observe IEEE SA entity standards working group meetings. See subclause of the IEEE SA Standards Board Bylaws for more information.
No, IEEE SA balloting is either individual-based or entity-based.
IEEE SA staff will help to coordinate communication between participants in that entity to resolve the issue. Questions concerning an entity’s IEEE SA entity membership can be directed to corp-mem@ieee.org.
Entity working groups may allow individuals to attend meetings to offer specific technical expertise from non-voting positions at up to three entity standards working group meetings per project during the standards development process. Further information can be found in the IEEE SA Standards Board Bylaws, subclause
Yes, as long as full disclosure is made to the working group in accordance with IEEE SA SASB Operations Manual, subclause, “disclosure of affiliation.”
Entity-based working groups may use the public area of their website to share needed information with those who may wish to begin participation in the working group. Questions concerning entity-based working groups can be directed to corp-mem@ieee.org.
Please direct further questions about IEEE SA entity membership to corp-mem@ieee.org.
IEEE SA entity members may cancel their membership at any time by informing the IEEE SA membership program administrator at corp-mem@ieee.org.
IEEE SA entity membership shall continue until the end of its existing membership period and shall terminate at the completion of that period. The IEEE SA entity member will not be invoiced after cancellation.
IEEE SA reserves the right to terminate entity memberships for any charges 90 or more days overdue without notice. Once an IEEE SA entity membership is terminated, all privileges will be suspended.