The Role of External Representatives
Learn more about External Representatives, their roles and responsibilities, and how they are appointed.
An ER is a volunteer who has been appointed by the IEEE SA Board of Governors (BOG) to represent IEEE on standards matters to an organization, committee, or entity external to IEEE, and where a voting position on behalf of IEEE is explicitly required.
An OBC is an IEEE SA board, an IEEE SA committee, or Standards Committee responsible for ensuring that positions taken by an ER on technical matters represent the consensus view of the OBC and all materially interested IEEE Technical Committees that provide timely input by any deadline established by the OBC. Positions taken by an ER on policy matters are established by the IEEE SA BOG.
An informational liaison serves as a connection between an IEEE SA committee and an external committee acting only as an information conduit. E.g., liaisons between working groups for the purpose of exchanging information.
Yes, the ER is to be an IEEE member of any grade (except Student) and a member of the IEEE SA.
When an IEEE technical committee determines the need for an ER relationship with another organization that is working in a related technical space, it may nominate a qualified person to be considered for appointment by the IEEE SA Board of Governors. The method of nomination is left to the discretion of the IEEE technical committee.
- Scientific and technical expertise (e.g., membership in relevant technical societies) relevant to the scope of operations and activities of the external organization, committee, or entity.
- Familiarity with the operations and goals of the specific external organization, committee, or entity.
- The ability to articulate IEEE goals, objectives, and activities clearly in the context of the external organization, committee, or entity.
- Does not have a conflict of interest with respect to the activities of the specific external organization.
The following documentation is required:
- File, with the OBC and the Administrator of the IEEE SA Board of Governors, a letter stating your affiliations. This disclosure of affiliation meets the requirements of IEEE SA Standards Board Operations Manual and and shall be signed.
- File, with the OBC and the Administrator of the IEEE SA Board of Governors, a letter of endorsement from each affiliation disclosed. The letter(s) shall document several key factors relative to your position as the ER and is to be signed by both you and by someone who has management responsibility for you for that affiliation. The letter(s) shall contain at least the following:
- Statement of qualification based on expertise in respect to the attributes described above;
- Statement of support for providing necessary resources (e.g., time, travel expenses to meetings); and
- Recognition by you and by your affiliation of the expectation to act in accordance with the conditions stated in subclause 7.1.2 of the IEEE SA Operations Manual; in particular that you, when serving as the ER, ‘shall act in the best interest of the IEEE SA at all times’.
- Completed the IEEE Conflict of Interest Disclosure Statement.
All ER requests will be considered at the next IEEE SA BOG meeting following receipt of all information in support of the ER request. Official notification of approval will be sent from the IEEE SA staff.
The OBC shall indicate a desired term of appointment for each recommended ER candidate. Before an individual can serve as an ER, the IEEE SA BOG shall confirm their appointment, or reappointment, to that position.
The list of approved ERs will be made available on the IEEE SA website.
No. Under the current IEEE SA Operations Manual Clause 7, no existing ERs are granted grandfathering to the ER requirements. All ERs are required to submit appropriate documentation.
The IEEE SA staff will provide notification on behalf of the Secretary of the IEEE SA BOG.
Should a situation arise where an ER may serve in a capacity where there is a requirement, or an expectation, that he or she fulfills a duty, fiduciary or otherwise, to another organization (e.g., this includes, but is not limited to, the external organization to which the ER has been appointed to represent IEEE, the employer of the ER, and any organization to which the ER is affiliated), the ER shall recuse him or herself from that issue and report this action back to the OBC. The OBC shall then decide the best course of action to provide the IEEE position on the issue to the external organization. Duty to the IEEE takes priority, and this is met as a result of the recusal.
No, an ER cannot assign a proxy or designate their authority to others.
No there cannot be more than one OBC to an ER.
Yes, it is possible for an OBC chair to also be an ER. The chair of an OBC shall not serve as an ER unless an exception is granted by the next higher board/committee upon the request of the OBC. The next higher board/committee may accept or deny the request and, at its discretion, may become the Owning Board/Committee for the purposes of this representation. The next higher board/committee may also grant the exception with such conditions as it believes are necessary to assure that the ER can adequately represent IEEE while serving as chair of the OBC. If the next higher board/committee becomes the OBC for the purposes of this representation, then the ER shall provide the reports described in IEEE SA Operations Manual 7.1.4 to this next higher board/committee.
Each OBC will determine the appropriate reporting schedule for its ERs, noting that the OBC shall provide an annual report to IEEE SA BOG.