Inactive-Reserved Standard

IEEE 738-2012

IEEE Standard for Calculating the Current-Temperature Relationship of Bare Overhead Conductors

A method of calculating the current-temperature relationship of bare overhead lines, given the weather conditions, is presented. Along with a mathematical method, sources of the values to be used in the calculation are indicated. This standard does not undertake to list actual temperature-ampacity relationships for a large number of conductors nor does it recommend appropriately conservative weather conditions for the rating of overhead power lines. It does, however, provide a standard method for doing such calculations for both constant and variable conductor current and weather conditions.

Standard Committee
PE/T&D - Transmission and Distribution
Inactive-Reserved Standard
PAR Approval
Superseded by
738-2012/Cor 1-2013
Board Approval
Inactivated Date:

Working Group Details

IEEE Power and Energy Society
Standard Committee
PE/T&D - Transmission and Distribution
Working Group
738_WG - Conductor Working Group P738
Learn More About 738_WG - Conductor Working Group P738
IEEE Program Manager
Michael Kipness
Contact Michael Kipness
Working Group Chair
Cody Davis

Other Activities From This Working Group

Current projects that have been authorized by the IEEE SA Standards Board to develop a standard.

No Active Projects

Standards approved by the IEEE SA Standards Board that are within the 10-year lifecycle.

IEEE Draft Standard for Calculating the Current-Temperature Relationship of Bare Overhead Conductors

The standard describes a numerical method by which the core and surface temperatures of a bare overhead conductor are related to the steady or time-varying electrical current and weather conditions. The method may also be used to determine the conductor current which corresponds to conductor temperature limits. The standard does not recommend suitable weather conditions or conductor parameters for use in line rating calculations.

Learn More About 738-2023

These standards have been replaced with a revised version of the standard, or by a compilation of the original active standard and all its existing amendments, corrigenda, and errata.

IEEE Standard for Calculation of Bare Overhead Conductor Temperature and Ampacity Under Steady-State Conditions

The purpose of this standard is to present a simplified method of calculating the current-temperature relationship of bare over-head lines when given the weather conditions.

Learn More About 738-1986

These standards have been removed from active status through a ballot where the standard is made inactive as a consensus decision of a balloting group.

No Inactive-Withdrawn Standards

These standards are removed from active status through an administrative process for standards that have not undergone a revision process within 10 years.

738-2012/Cor 1-2013
IEEE Approved Draft Standard for Calculating the Current-Temperature Relationship of Bare Overhead Conductors - Corrigendum 1

Technical corrections are addressed in this corrigendum. (NOTE: This corrigendum was not published as an individual standard. It was incorporated into IEEE Std 738-2012 at the time of publication)

Learn More About 738-2012/Cor 1-2013

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