Impact through Open Source Open source has changed the landscape of technology development, speeding innovation and enabling radical advancements in the way we live, work and communicate. It has also…
About The subsidized sponsorship of standards via the IEEE GET Program helps expand the global reach of technical knowledge developed by industry, accelerates adoption of IEEE standards, contributes to an…
Overview Providing a global platform of excellence to improve the global standard quality of life at every step through affordable healthcare and access to medicines; support innovation to improve overall…
Global Progress through Technology, Standards, and Policy We are committed to building bridges between the worlds of technology, standards and policy making. We do this by participating in policy fora,…
About IEEE SA Contributors Collection is a free, publicly accessible platform dedicated to publishing the documents contributed by participants during the development of IEEE standards. Contributions may be different types…
IEEE is providing no-cost public access to important IEEE standards, used by technologists, engineers, scientists, manufacturers, as they respond to the global COVID-19 public health emergency. Click “Access Standards” to…