IEEE Standards Association (IEEE SA) and Korea Smart Grid Association (KSGA) Sign MoU

Agreement Provides a Framework to Foster Closer Cooperation

Canadian business executive and author Don Tapscott has been quoted as saying that “collaboration is important not just because it’s a better way to learn. The spirit of collaboration is penetrating every institution and all of our lives. So learning to collaborate is part of equipping yourself for effectiveness, problem solving, innovation and life-long learning in an ever-changing networked economy.”

With those sentiments in mind, I recently had the opportunity to participate as the IEEE signee of an MoU with the Korea Smart Grid Association (KSGA), where both parties formalized an agreement that’s based upon building greater cooperation, and with the common objective to perform and promote, directly or indirectly, regional and global standardization. This came about because both parties recognized that IEEE and KSGA have a reciprocal interest in gaining knowledge about the activities of the other organization, so that they might identify items of common interest and facilitate greater cooperation on standards development and implementation.

This agreement marks a significant step that encourages more regular communication between the two organizations, with each appointing a liaison for regular exchange. With greater visibility and shared knowledge of the standards development activities of each organization, there is also the added opportunity to facilitate liaisons between each other’s technical groups, and to pursue other cooperative arrangements that might arise.

A key element in the agreement also involves the works of The IEEE Conformity Assessment Program (ICAP) – an initiative of the IEEE SA.  Established to provide programs and industry support that help bridge standards development activities with conformity assessment activities, and that accelerate market acceptance and enable new products and technologies, KSGA can now actively engage in shared projects with ICAP, drawing upon its foundation of industry best practices, internationally accepted quality systems and the use of proven test tools.

Korea is at the forefront of Smart Grid initiatives and already KSGA is heavily involved in the private sectors of various industries with projects related to advancing Smart Grid technology. In signing this MOU with IEEE, it can further its goal to establish national-level smart grids and take a lead in working towards international standardization, thereby boosting the quality of life for all residents, as well as enhancing its own national competitiveness. IEEE looks forward to a continuing collaborative relationship that provides mutual benefit to each organization, with a shared goal to put in place standardized technologies that will improve the daily lives of people throughout the world.

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