IEEE SA Corporate Advisory Group Holds Two Workshops

IEEE SA Corporate Advisory Group Holds Two Workshops
Two diverse workshops highlighted the IEEE Standards Association (IEEE SA) Corporate Advisory Group’s recent outreach program in Silicon Valley, USA. One workshop focused on a landscape view of blockchain across industries, exploring how blockchain technologies could be used in business, the global supply chain, and other aspects of industry. This workshop also focused on potential humanitarian uses of blockchain, such as health delivery and aid assistance. Through these topics, the near and longer term future of blockchain was discussed. Learn more.

A second workshop looked at how ethical values could be built into the IT design process. This workshop started with presentations on how ethics can be interwoven with the development of artificial intelligence and robotics, as well as in fields like privacy of child and student data. Attendees learned about The IEEE Global Initiative for Ethical Considerations in the Design of Autonomous Systems. The second half of this event featured interactive brainstorming on the proposals in Ethically Aligned Design, the first public document issued by this Initiative.

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