The Entity Standards Development Process

The Entity Standards Development Process

Learn about using the IEEE Standards Association’s time-tested, equitable Entity Process to develop industry-relevant standards.

Why does the IEEE SA entity standards development process require paid corporate membership for participation when the IEEE SA individual standards development process does not?

The corporate program was designed as an entity-based process, and most entities find it acceptable to pay dues to participate in other similar organizations. In benchmarking, the IEEE has ascertained that its SA corporate member dues are competitive compared to other organizations. In addition, the IEEE SA has extended a number of benefits to entity working groups that help to produce entity standards in an expeditious manner consistent with the valued IEEE consensus process.

Why does the entity standards development process require payment to participate either as an observer or a voter?

IEEE SA’s corporate membership program directly funds additional resources, such as project management, which facilitates efficient entity standards development. In addition, this simple fee structure gives entities the ability to participate in unlimited working groups for one annual fee.

Basic members only have the right to observe in working groups. How can they submit their comments on a draft standard prior to the SA Ballot?

The working group has the right to determine when to circulate a draft standard for comment to basic members who are observers in the working group. Prior to the SA Ballot, those basic members may submit comments to the chair, who will work with the voting members of the working group to determine a resolution. Basic members can only participate in such discussions if they upgrade to advanced membership.

If a basic entity member needs to upgrade to advanced entity membership to participate as a voting member in an IEEE SA entity standards working group, but another division in the company originally purchased the basic entity membership, what can be done?

IEEE SA staff will help to coordinate communication between participants in that company to resolve the issue.

How can entity working groups bring in specific technical expertise to help create their entity standard?

Entity working groups may allow individuals to attend meetings to offer specific technical expertise from non-voting positions at up to three entity standards working group meetings per project during the standards development process. Further information can be found in the IEEE SA Standards Board Bylaws, clause

Does the implementation of this updated entity model mean that the IEEE Standards Association is no longer "open"?

The IEEE SA is an open standards organization, allowing any entity or individual to participate in its standards development process as long as they follow the IEEE SA rules. “Open” does not mean “free,” and participation in standards development is never completely “free.” There are always costs involved to support meeting attendance or the technologies involved in electronic participation. In the entity model, the participants expect to support (financially and otherwise) the standards development process and to benefit from it.

Can a consultant be paid by an IEEE SA corporate member to represent the corporate member in an entity working group with full disclosure from the corporate member?

Yes, as long as full disclosure is made to the working group and to the Standards Committee.

Are entity working group email reflectors closed to non-members?

Yes. Entity working groups may use the public area of their website to share needed information with those who may wish to begin participation in the working group.

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