STID Public Listing

Silo Type Identifier (STID) Assignments

STID Vendor Allocation Date Silo Name Silo Description
00000000h ..
IEEE 1667 8/10/06 Reserved These Silo Identifiers are reserved for development only

The Following Silos are Defined in an IEEE 1667™ Standard

STID Vendor Allocation Date Silo Name Silo Description
00000100h IEEE 1667 8/10/06 Probe Mandatory silo for all ACTs, providing silo identification and configuration information
00000101h IEEE 1667 8/10/06 Certificate Authentication Authenticate certificates for a host. (Last documented in IEEE 1667-2009)
00000102h IEEE 1667 9/21/08 Password Silo providing host authentication to the silo using a password before access to user data is authorized
00000103h IEEE 1667 11/22/08 Smartcard Transport Transport Smartcard specific security commands via the IEEE 1667 protocol
00000104h IEEE 1667 7/23/09 TCG Storage Transport Transport TCG specific security commands via the IEEE 1667 protocol

The Protocols Defined by the Following Silos are Not Defined in the IEEE 1667 Standard

STID Vendor Allocation Date Silo Name Silo Description
00008000h SanDisk 11/20/06 U3 Silo implementing commands defined by the U3 Specification Device Level API version 1.1
00008001h SanDisk 3/1/08 Trusted Flash Silo implementing the SanDisk proprietary TrustedFlash® security interface. TrustedFlash provides password and certificate based authentication, secure communications and access control.
00008002h SanDisk 3/1/08 Startkey Silo implements StartKey hardware specific commands
00008003h SanDisk 3/11/08 Extensible Memory Silo supporting transient storage devices with extensible memory. Commands are provided to query the size of each memory, request data from each memory, configure memory, and update data in memory.
00008004h SanDisk 7/30/08 Secure software Silo providing storage and access to verifiable software securely stored in a device.
00008005h Microsoft 9/21/08 Password Silo providing host authentication to the silo using a password before access to user data is authorized.
00008006h Gemalto 11/22/08 Smartcard Transport Transport Smartcard specific security commands via the IEEE 1667 protocol
00008007h Seagate 7/23/09 TCG Storage Transport Transport TCG specific security commands via the IEEE 1667 protocol
00008008h Anonymous 8/1/09 Anonymous Anonymous
00008009h Anonymous 8/1/09 Anonymous Anonymous
0000800Ah Anonymous 8/1/09 Anonymous Anonymous
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